Anthony Laurance: A Quarter Century of Shaping Success in Georgia

  • February 15 2024
  • Theresa Bradley
Anthony Laurance

To succeed in project management, it's important to combine education, experience, and personal development. Anthony Laurance of Marietta, Georgia, shows how it's done. With 25 years of success, he's a great example. His journey started with a degree in Computer Science and led to big achievements in IT and management. This story looks at how he made it, including his love for competitive bass fishing. It gives a full picture of his career path.


Educational Foundation


Anthony Laurance started his project management career with a strong education. He earned a Computer Science degree from the University of Florida's School of Engineering. This education helped him get the technical skills and the mindset to keep learning and innovating.


Education is key in project management. It gives you the technical knowledge, analytical skills, and strategic thinking you need. For Laurance, his degree was just the beginning of a lifelong learning and professional growth journey. He learned it's important to not just know technology, but also how to use it to make projects succeed.


Laurance also joined clubs and activities at school. These helped him learn leadership skills, work with others, and use what he learned in real situations.


For anyone looking to work in project management, Laurance's story shows how important it is to have a good education and keep growing and learning. This helps you handle the complex IT world and lead projects to success.

Anthony Laurance introduction


Early Career Choices and Experiences


Anthony Laurance's journey to becoming a successful project manager began not just with his education but also through smart early career choices and gaining practical experience. Right from the start, Anthony showed a strong desire to tackle the challenges of IT management and learn as much as possible.


After finishing school, Anthony jumped into his career with a variety of roles, starting as an IT Manager at AAN, Inc., Supreme Resources, and LSI Technology Group. These jobs put him right in the mix of improving operations and following rules. He led projects for manufacturing companies, managed daily tasks, and sharpened his leadership abilities. Through these roles, Anthony learned a lot about IT challenges and opportunities, gaining skills in leadership, solving problems, and managing projects.


These early jobs were key for Anthony. They let him use what he learned in school in the real world, showed him the ins and outs of the IT field, and tested his leadership and innovation skills. This part of his career wasn't just about getting experience; it was about building a reputation for being excellent, dependable, and a leader who thinks ahead.


For those looking to become project managers, Anthony's early career shows how important it is to grab growth opportunities, look for challenging roles that build your abilities, and stay strong when faced with tough situations. The foundation of a successful career is laid in these early days, combining smart choices and a dedication to growing professionally.


Key Projects and Roles That Defined Laurance's Career Trajectory


Anthony Laurance's career highlights show how he became a leader in project management. He stood out in his roles at AAN, Inc., Supreme Resources, and LSI Technology Group. Here, he managed complex IT projects and led teams to success. He made sure everything ran smoothly, followed plans, and met all rules. Laurance was known for guiding his teams through IT challenges and helping his companies grow.


What made Laurance successful was how he managed projects. He combined his tech knowledge and leadership to create a teamwork-based environment. This helped him complete projects that satisfied customers and improved operations.


Laurance also focused on learning and getting better. He earned certifications  like Microsoft Dynamics 365 and worked towards a PMP Certification. This showed his commitment to being excellent in project management.


Laurance's work made a big difference. The projects he led were successful, and he brought positive changes to his workplaces. His career shows the importance of good leadership, innovation, and always learning in project management.

Anthony Laurance career in IT


Fulfilling Hobbies Outside of Work


Anthony Laurance loves both his job and bass fishing. He's done well in big fishing competitions like the Toyota Series - Southeastern and the Phoenix Bass Fishing League. His love for fishing shows us that hobbies are good for us. They make us happy, less stressed, and better at our jobs.


Here's why mixing hobbies and work is great:


  • Balance: Fishing helps people relax and forget about work stress. This makes them happier and more productive at work.
  • Creativity: Hobbies spark new ideas. These ideas can help solve problems and bring new ways of thinking to work.
  • Meeting People: Hobbies introduce us to new friends and contacts. These people can help us in our careers in ways we might not expect.
  • Learning New Skills: Hobbies teach us things like planning, patience, and sticking with it. These skills are handy at work, especially for managing projects.


Laurance is great at his job and at fishing. His story shows us that loving what we do outside of work can make us better in our careers. For those looking to be project managers, having hobbies is a smart move. It's not just about taking a break from work. It's about growing as a person and getting better at what we do.


Advice for Aspiring Project Managers


Anthony Laurance has spent 25 years leading projects successfully. Here are some tips for anyone wanting to do well in project management.


  1. Learn all the time: Things change fast, especially technology. Keep up by learning new things, getting certificates, and going to workshops. This makes you better at your job.
  2. Be a good leader: Managing projects isn't just about tasks; it's also about leading people. Work on your communication, negotiation, and team skills to help your team reach its goals.
  3. Make connections: Knowing people helps. Network with colleagues, mentors, and others in your field. This can lead to new chances and let you learn from others.
  4. Balance your life: Mixing what you love to do with your work life, like Laurance does with fishing, makes work more enjoyable and can make you happier. Find hobbies that give you a break from work.
  5. Be adaptable and strong: Projects don't always go as planned. Learn to deal with changes and challenges. Being resilient helps you handle the ups and downs of project management.
  6. Keep the end goal in mind: Don't get lost in the details. Remember what your project is supposed to achieve and how it fits with the bigger goals of your organization. This helps with making important decisions and figuring out what needs to be done first.


Following Anthony Laurance's example shows how hard work, smart planning, and balancing your personal and work life can lead to success in project management. These tips are great for anyone looking to make an impact in this field.

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